Family Life/Parenting
2020 Favorites: Lessons Learned From A Weird AF Year
Listen, I get it.“2020” and “Favorites” don’t really go together. An oxymoron of epic proportions, right? But as this shitshow of a year draws to a close, I’ve been reflecting on all the aspects of it. As many of us are wont to do as one year draws to a close and a fresh, shiny…
Read MoreStuck In My Story
I’ve been reading more than ever lately. While I haven’t been spending money on fancy coffees or lunches out since March, I’ve more than eclipsed the amount I’ve saved on books. (Totally worth it, IMO.) If we’re supposed to look for silver linings during this difficult period in time, rediscovering my passion for reading has…
Read MoreDos and Don’ts of Surviving Quarantine With Your YA Children
So here it is, Day 3,911 of quarantine with your teens &/or young adults, and if you’re like me, the boat that started off sailing over relatively smooth waters is starting to rock a little bit. Or perhaps yours is already capsizing. Whatever state the waters are that you’re navigating, I have some important dos…
Read More12 Great Things To Do With Your Older Kids in Quarantine
Parents of older kids, we’ve never felt so fortunate, have we? For years we’ve relished the freedom from sleep deprivation, dealing with meltdowns, home chef duties, endless hours of mind-numbing play, and having to help with homework (and having to listen to your kids INSIST you are doing it wrong). Now that we’re in the…
Read MoreNever Forget the stories … and the strength
For the past six years that I’ve had this little blog, I’ve reposted this story on 9/11. Why? Because we all have our stories from that horrific day, and despite how much we’d like to, we can’t make them change. And because as the years fly by, it’s important to remember not only how things changed that…
Read MoreMay Mania
You guys. About this time every year I wonder why the hell May is my favorite month. It’s bonkers. I mean, all parents know it’s typically a hectic month, but holy hell it has kicked. my. ass. this year. Don’t worry, I’m still basking in my Rob Glowe, but I’m also still sprinting to outrun the…
Read MoreLife Lately
Life lately: two little words that can mean a multitude of things, depending on the situation … the day … even the moment. I’m happy to report that for me, life lately is anything but exciting. Yeah, you read that right: happy that my life lately is not exciting. Or eventful. Or remarkable. With…
Read MoreMy baby, the Cabbage Patch Kid
I never had a Cabbage Patch Kid. I think maybe it was because in the early 80’s when they really took off and became popular I was too old to play with dolls. Or maybe it was because they were ugly as shit. Whichever it was, the fact that I was never a fan became…
Read MoreA letter (or 12) to my 16 year old daughter
This week my younger daughter will turn 16, and I’m not entirely sure it’s hit me yet. I believe you’ve met my trusty sidekick Denial, whom I’ve been thick as thieves with since about 2013. Listen, I know it must sound tired and cliché and completely uninspired to yet again be lamenting the passing of time here on…
Read MoreCheers to 21 years!
Next week my daughter will turn 21 years old. (Quick, somebody pour her me a drink.) Twenty-one years old. How the hell did this happen? Wasn’t I just celebrating turning 21 in Vegas with my boyfriend who, despite what it looks like in this photograph, didn’t become my husband for over three more years? It’s hard…
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